Participant Info

  • Areas ServedNL
  • ASNs8283

Implementation of MANRS Actions

  • Action 1: Prevent propagation of incorrect routing information ColoClue uses strict filtering both to the DFZ and to our end users. We use an open source tool called Kees, available at
  • Action 2: Prevent traffic with spoofed source IP addresses We apply the strictest uRPF BCP38 filtering that still makes sense (strict for member-facing ports, loose for upstream ports).
  • Action 3: Facilitate global operational communication and coordination We are available for operational issues through the contacts in CLUE1-RIPE. We actively read and respond to abuse@ e-mail.
  • Action 4: Facilitate validation of routing information on a global scale We publish ROAs for our own IP space and actively filter on RPKI OV data. We also filter based on IRR data using our open source tool Kees to configure our routers.

Why Netwerkvereniging ColoClue Supports MANRS