Participant Info

  • Areas ServedBF, BJ, CG, CI, CM, DE, DJ, ES, FR, GA, GB, GH, GM, GN, GQ, KE, KM, LR, MA, ML, MW, MZ, NE, RW, TD, ZA, ZW
  • ASNs60171

Implementation of MANRS Actions

  • Action 1: Prevent propagation of incorrect routing information RPKI and IRR checks are implemented to ensure proper routing propagation
  • Action 2: Prevent traffic with spoofed source IP addresses Unicast RPF is implemented to prevent traffic with spoofed source IP addresses
  • Action 3: Facilitate global operational communication and coordination AFR-IX Telecom maintains globally accessible up-to-date contact information and IP resource details for own and downstream customers.
  • Action 4: Facilitate validation of routing information on a global scale AFR-IX encourage all its downstream customer to have IP resources properly validated. IRR records and ROA properly created.