Two case studies further outline the benefits of MANRS participation

Better MANRS for Service Providers

Cover of 451 Research case study about the value of MANRS for ISPs

The Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) project can provide a mark of security proficiency and community involvement for those providers that are able to participate. That distinction can add competitive value to a provider and can also enhance operational effectiveness. A new study from 451 Research has detailed what that value is and how service providers can put it to work.

Improved MANRS for Enterprises

Cover of 451 Research case study about the value of MANRS to enterprises evaluating service providers

Enterprises face many challenges in running their IT infrastructure, and one of the most significant is the selection of service providers. In working with a service provider that is part of the MANRS project, enterprises can establish themselves within the vanguard of those with a security-forward position and join the larger Internet community that is working to improve security and reliability.